Jun 29, 2023
We gave AI Agents a cloud playground
Today, we launched an AI agent deployed on e2b. Meet "smol developer" - your very own personal junior developer, and at the same time a powerful AI agent. You can start working with smol developer within a few seconds.
How does it work?
You can follow the following three steps.
Once you sign-in via your GitHub and assign a (new or existing) repository, it becomes the center of the smol developer’s work. You can tell the smol what to do, collaborate with them, add comments to their pull requests, to which they will react.
The agent is a generalist and you can assign them any of your repositories, or you can create a new one and build anything. You are offered a few templates for making apps, a website, web scraper or chrome extension.
Compared to running locally or via a framework, in e2b, the agent has their own environment in the cloud - they run via their own firecracker VMs.
Try the smol developer here, and share your experience with us.